Steve Kinney

Building Design Systems with Storybook

Implementing a Calllout Component

Okay, it’s your turn to try this out. Consider this Callout component. Consider the following. You can choose to ignore the fact that they have different icons if you’d like.

Callout component designs


The callout makes use of the following colors from our theme.

Name Light Dark
Callout / Primary
Background Primary/200 Primary/800
Border Primary/500 Primary/900
Text Primary/900 Primary/50
Callout / Information
Background Information/200 Information/800
Border Information/500 Information/500
Text Information/900 Information/50
Callout / Success
Background Success/200 Success/800
Border Success/500 Success/900
Text Success/900 Success/50
Callout / Warning
Background Warning/200 Warning/800
Border Warning/500 Warning/900
Text Warning/900 Warning/50
Callout / Danger
Background Danger/200 Danger/800
Border Danger/500 Danger/900
Text Danger/900 Danger/50
Callout / Default
Background Slate/200 Slate/800
Border Slate/500 Slate/900
Text Slate/900 Slate/50

Other Tasting Notes

  • The fonts are the base font, but the title of the callout is semibold.
  • The corners are rounded using Tailwind rounded class.

Some Starter Code

Here is some code to get your started if that’s helpful. Let’s start with the component.

import type { PropsWithChildren } from 'react';
import { cva, type VariantProps } from 'class-variance-authority';

type CalloutProps = PropsWithChildren<{ title: string }> & VariantProps<typeof variants>;

const variants = cva(['p-4', 'rounded', 'border', 'shadow-md', 'space-y-4']);

export const Callout = ({ title, children }: CalloutProps) => (
	<div className={variants({})}>
		<h2 className="font-semibold">{title}</h2>

And now for the story (ideally in src/components/callout/callout.stores.tsx):

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
import { Callout } from './callout';

const meta = {
	title: 'Components/Callout',
	component: Callout,
	args: {
		title: 'An Important Message',
		children: 'This is a message that you should read.',
} satisfies Meta<typeof Callout>;

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof Callout>;

export const Default: Story = {};

Once you’ve gotten a chance to implement this component and write a story, we’ll take a look at a possible solution here.

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